Monday, September 29, 2008


A lot of emotions are coming through today. Since I don't get periods I can't really blame it on being menstural. I've been thinking a lot about what's going to happen to me mentally. I know that I have some control issues, and thanks to the psych I now know I'm "borderline" bipolar (we'll blame the "borderline" part on the fact that yeah, I did lie on the test the second time... not as much but some). I get obsessive about things. I'm not as honest as one would hope when it comes to admitting my faults to others (doctors in particular, hence why I had to retake my psych eval). I over or under exaggerate things.... often without even realizing it without someone really pointing it out to me. I'm just afraid of what might happen to me. What if I spiral into anorexia? Their are a million what-ifs, some much to personal to admit to. I want to find something to help me deal with these things... something to mentally prepare me more for the changes that are going to take place. I just don't know where to start. I don't know what to look for.

Anyone want to offer up some advice?

Youtube surgery day vids

Anyone who watches lap band vlogs has heard of thebandinme. These are her pre and post surgery day videos. They were super helpful in providing me with an idea of what to expect.

Pre Surgery
Before leaving
Before Leaving
@ Hospital Signing papers
@ Hosp
@ hosp
@ hosp
@ hosp

Post Surgery

Friday, September 26, 2008

Body pain

I know I already posted once today... but I'm just feeling like shit and want to document it. It's kindof hard to admit, because people I know read this, but oh well.

One of the things I will be SOOO glad to be rid of is body pain. Weight HURTS. It's not just a matter of how I look, my self esteem, etc.... I friggin hurt. Right now my back hurts, my front lower rib area hurts, and one of my shoulders hurt from being slept on funky. I'm not usually in this much pain, but the rib thing and the back thing happen often. I can't wait until I won't have to deal with this on a regular basis.

The 'pictures' tab seems to be clicked a lot... so I figured I'd throw in a few more...

Mothers day 2006 (after I successfully lost about 20 pounds)

Vacation 2006

New years 2006-into 2007 (that was a fun night)

See how the cheeks got bigger and bigger as the year progressed?


Quitting caffeine is ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE!!!!! I went to the nutritionist yesterday, it was pretty much her going over all of the nutrition info the doc gave me in my big lap band user manual. I nearly fell asleep while she was going over everything, and it was just the two of us in the office! I was embarassed, but I couldn't help it. I had already read everything in the manual. Last night I went to bed at 8:30 because I was so tired. I felt like pure CRAP. I mean I felt like I was trying to quit crack or something. I felt shaky but wasn't actually shaking. I had a headache ALL DAY yesterday. I was so friggin tired. Today has been a bit better. I guess it's because I got so much sleep last night. But, ya know, even though I went to bed nearly 3 hours earlier than I usually do, I still had trouble getting out of bed this morning... and I still nodded off at the wheel a couple of times.

So.... the nutritionist... just writing this part for those who are going through the hoops of lap band pre op... my doc gave me a big binder full of info when I went to my 3 hour class. It contained the entire meal plan and tons of eating info. I read all of it within a couple of days after the class. She basically read everything in her section of the manual, elaborated on a few things, and answered my questions. It took about an hour.

I'm kindof irritated right now because things are stalling. I have two things left to do before they will submit to insurance... go to a meeting (one of the post op group meetings), and submit mine and my husbands "letters of understanding"... which is basically a letter covering 6-7 different bullet points making sure we understand everything. I am kicking myself in the head for not going to a meeting already. They have them every Tuesday and every other Saturday. There is no good reason why I haven't gone already. NOW I can't go until 10/7 because K's (my daughter) birthday is the 30th (a tuesday) and her party is the 4th (the following Saturday). They don't have a meeting this Saturday. So yeah... now because of my stalling I have tacked on another week and a half to the wait time. URGH!!!!! I originally wanted to have surgery on 10/16, now it looks like it might be the week after that, or possibly the day before Halloween. Great. But I've thought it over and I'd rather do it then than wait. Hopefully I'll at least be able to get it done the week BEFORE Halloween because one of my BFFs is having an awesome party the weekend after Halloween and I don't want to miss it! On second thought..... if I can't do it on the 23rd, I'll just wait til the week after Halloween. I really don't want to miss taking K trick or treating, and I don't want to miss the party!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I kinda knew all along


I went back this morning to retake my psych eval. Here are a few highlights:

1) I don't have to retake it for a third time;

2) The interview portion was about an hour long.

3) The doc approved me and said he would submit his report to the band doc within two weeks but probably much sooner than that.

4) The 370 question book test showed that I'm very stubborn.

5) It also showed that I'm borderline bipolar. And with weight loss comes an increased level of energy and therefore an increased chance of more manic episodes. Remember my last post, how I said I was feeling manic?

Friday, September 19, 2008


I don't think I'm bipolar in the traditional sense, but I do have manic and depressive phases. I'm usually normal, but sometimes I can go either way. Lately I've been manic. I've been tired and going to bed right on time for several weeks... excessively tired, couldn't keep up with housework, didn't feel like doing anything. Now I'm a bit manic. Everything is clean at home (for a change), I'm staying up waaay later than someone who has to get up at 5:30 ever should. But when I get up in the morning, I'm not tired. I feel jittery.

I guess this is my body preparing for surgery.

I closed my etsy shop so I can completely focus on surgery and Kaytlin's birthday party prep. I have so much to do to prepare for both.

Tomorrow I get to redo my psych eval. Yay... not.

I'm going to start vlogging on youtube. I've really enjoyed watching other people's vlogs, they've been super duper helpful. Who knows, maybe my vlogs will be helpful to others in my situation too. It's different than reading what someone has to say. Watching them, seeing and hearing the emotion on their face and in their voice.

I was working on my OH ( profile and I came to the personal interest section... you pick your interests from a drop down box and write a description in the box next to it. I came to the 'recreation' section... long list. I don't do any of those things, but I'd like to do a lot of them! So... for the first time in this blog, I'm going to use a very tired, worn out phrase... "When I get thin" I'm going to go kayaking (did it when I was in high school once), ice skating (never done), jet skiing (did it in high school), climb stone mountain without stopping, go snow skiing (never have), and water ski or wakeboard behind a boat (I've tried to wakeboard a zillion times in high school but NEVER could get my ass vertical, and I was pretty fit back then!).

Post-op shopping list:
Gasx strips
heating pad
protein powder
sugar free popsicles
baggy clothing
small pillow for desk
food scale
weight scale (because mine sucks!)
Rapid blast tylenol (liquid)
Calcium citrate petits supplement
High potency multi vitamin
little take and toss kiddie cups (4oz)
soup at hand
salt substitute (sea salt?)

I made myself watch a youtube video of someone getting a fill. Here's the link:

I should watch a video of the actual surgery but I don't know if I can handle that.

Until next time blogland....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm usually nice... But sometimes I gotta let out the ugly...

But I would like to take a moment to flick a bird to every skinny person who judges obese people.

Sometimes I want to flick a bird to people who say stupid stuff like "You know, you could walk around the block every night and eat less instead of surgery." But then I try to remember that they are ignorant. Not stupid, but ignorant. They don't know what they're talking about. They don't know what it's like to experience the things obese people go through. The only people who truly know are those that have been through the hell that is obesity.

Oh, and uuh... Judging? That's bad. No matter what. If you don't even know someone, how dare you judge them. I'm no angel, but I'll be damned if I've ever walked through the mall and judged a random person. Maybe when I was 15, but as an adult I realize that people are just people, why make it harder for them? Why make there problem worse by laughing, pointing, making fun of them, making rude comments, looking at them in disgust? Do people seriously have this deep dire need to feel superior in some way? To feel more perfect than others? Well, guess what.... people like that are insecure. People who have nothing better to do than talk smack about other people, particularly people they don't even know, should really consider GETTING A LIFE.

And to anyone who thinks a morbidly obese person could just up and magically lose weight and it be so friggin easy... yeah, right. You give it a try. It's friggin hard.... especially when you've tried a ZILLION times. For some people, weight loss isn't as simple as a healthy diet and exercise. I don't know why, but for a lot of obese people (including myself), weight loss is practically impossible no matter what efforts are taken. Sure, that first 10-15 pounds comes off... 7 of which is water weight, the rest is the colon flushing itself out. After that, next to nothing. It's like all of the efforts are in vain.

You never know if someone has an illness that's causing their health problem. You can't see PCOS, thyroid problems, fibromyalgia (I know I misspelled that), rheumatoid arthritis, etc etc etc..... you really don't know.

So, if you're one of these people.... shut your mouth.

Here's a video for you.... Very interesting. Very well said.
I can't figure out how to imbed it, so click the link will ya?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Being realistic

1) Quitting caffiene cold turkey... not such a good idea. I didn't quit smoking cold turkey, and I'm sure not going to be able to quit caffiene cold turkey. That was a stupid move. The last 24 hours has been hell. I had a headache like you wouldn't believe yesterday... borderline migrane. I took some advil and drank a big coke and felt FAB in like 20 minutes. Then I felt like crap because I failed. New approach - do it like I did smokes... cut back little by little. Goal today - drink my AM joe, have sprite with lunch (carbonated beverages are next on the chopping block), and MAYBE a splash of afternoon coffee.

Now it's time to be real with myself. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism (slow/underactive thyroid). I need to make it clear to myself that the weight may fall right off for some people, but for me it most likely won't. I'm still going to have to work super hard.

And another thing.... Starting my personal (not doctor required) pre-op diet has been super hard because all I can think about is the fact that pretty soon I won't be able to eat the way I do now. It feels like a burden. And it's hard to do because I feel like it's pointless because I don't think I'll lose. That's the shameful thought that rests in the back of my mind... I CANT lose alone.

Just a side note.... all of these appointments are KILLING me! It's like 1786 doctor appointments crammed into a month period. I had my consult last Monday the 8th, the Thursday before then I had the 3 hour class, today I have part 1 of the psych eval, tomorrow I have part 2 of the psych eval, next week I go to the dietician, then at some point I'll have the pre op exam then SURGERY!

I feel like there is so much I need to know and so much I don't know, despite the fact that I have done so much research.

I've been super addicted to watching... well, listening to... youtube videos lately. Very helpful. So far my faves are thebandinme and hholly112002.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Adios caffiene!

Today is the day.

I'm quitting caffiene for good. Wow, those are strong words. This isn't to say that on the rare occasion I might have a little.... but for now, it's goodbye.
Goodbye Starbucks....

Goodbye Coca Cola... my biggest addiction...

We didn't even get a proper good-bye. Gone are the days of the $5 AM caffiene fix, the afternoon cup o' joe, and chugging back a frosty can of the bubbly sugar concouction they call Coca Cola.

Adios.... Good riddiance....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Here's everything I have left to do before surgery: psych eval, dietician appt, Matt and I have to write our 'Letters of Understanding', and then everything has to be sent to insurance for prior authorization.

The consult went well. I didn't really hear anything I didn't already know from either research or the 3 hour class I took last Thursday. He confirmed that yes I do have to stop drinking carbonated beverages (even diet ones), I do need to cut out caffiene, and I will not be able to drink with meals. Those are the three things that will be super hard to change. I'm going to start working on them now, along with a pre-op diet. I'll likely lose 10-20 lbs in the liquid pre op diet phase, so my goal is to lose 20 total pre op, starting now (well, tomorrow, I need groceries first lol).

I don't think it'll take long to get in for my psych eval/dietician appointment. I'll hopefully be able to start my 2 week liquid diet before everything gets sent to insurance, so I'll be able to get my surgery scheduled sooner... but honestly I'm in no rush. I really want to get it done and all, but I'm not in that big of a hurry. What's waiting another week or two going to hurt? I honestly think they probably won't start me on my 2wk pre op diet until after insurance gives approval, and they'll schedule my surgery for 2 weeks after that.

So hypothetically.... if I get my appointments knocked out in the next 2 weeks, I could be having surgery in just over 4 weeks (insurance already said it takes them about 2 business days to approve).

This week's objectives: Get appointments made, letters written, and start diet! I'll be using the plan. I've used it before and IMO it's the best. It's super healthy.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Going public is harder than I thought

I guess I wasn't quite prepared for the people who say things like "Well, can't you just cut your portions back and exercise?" and "Have you ever tried diet pills or phentermine?"

I just encountered my first one. It burns a little more than I expected. I'm still not sure how to deal with it without being overly defensive. At this point, I'm not even sure if I want to be flat out open with everyone. I know word will spread around my office like wild fire if I tell many more people. I'm just not sure how I feel about people judging and questioning me and my decisions. I want to be open because there are a lot of people who are interested and who know where I'm coming from... plus I want as many supporters I can get... but is it worth having to deal with people judging me on a daily basis? I'm not going to go from person to person explaining my reasoning, health problems, and diet history.

Just in case the person I'm talking about sees or hears about this, I'm not mad. I'm offended, but not mad.

So now I'm questioning my own judgement. Not about getting banded, but whether or not I should be honest. I talked to someone (about whether or not I should be open about it) I look up to and hold as a mentor, someone who knows my story and struggle, someone whose advice I take to heart. She gave me some great advice. I feel better, but I'm still not sure what to do.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

3 Hour Class

I went in for my three hour class today. Very informative. I received a three ring binder filled with stuff I need to read. I also found out that not only will I need to stop drinking sodas (which I already kinda figured... even diet soda), I'll have to cut caffiene out completely. Yay... not.

I go in for my consult Monday the 8th. I'm calling to schedule my dietician appointment today and I'll get my appointment for the psych when I go in on Monday for the consult. Things are really starting gain momentum. I was pleased to find out that I will not have to suffer through another miserable sleep study. YAY!

They took my 'before' picture. Had I known it was picture day I would have done something with my hair lol.